

ما هي المعايير الإنسانية؟

لأشخاص المتضررين من الكوارث أو النزاعات لديهم الحق في تلقي الحماية و المساعدة لضمان الشروط الأساسية من أجل الحياة بكرامة. لمعايير الإنسانية هي بيانات تصف مجموعات الإجراءات اللازمة حتى يتمكن االأشخاص المتضررين من الأزمة التمتع بهذه الحقوق. يُطوّر المعايير الإنسانية ممارسون في المجال الإنساني ممن...

Children Associated with Armed Forces & Armed Groups Programme Development Toolkit Launch [Arabic]

The Alliance CAFAAG Task Force is pleased to present the CAAFAG Programme Development Toolkit. The objective of the toolkit is to provide field practitioners with the knowledge and skills to design quality gender-based programmes for CAAFAG, with the involvement of children, including former CAAFAG...

CPMS Standard 9: What Is SGBV and How To Address It in Humanitarian Settings (Arabic)

This video explains what sexual- and gender-based violence (SGBV) is, how it affects both girls and boys in humanitarian crises, what are its contributing factors, and how humanitarian workers can address it. The video looks at key actions to implement in three phases of humanitarian response...